



Ostara (Easter)

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Winter Solstice

During December 20-22 the Northern Hemisphere is the furthest away from the sun. This astronomical phenomenon marks the Winter Solstice. It is the shortest day of the year and the longest night. The Winter Solstice is the celebration of the returning of the sun – days becoming longer. During this time we thank mother earth for the deep winter and darkness. Only in the darkness do we rest, rejuvenate, find inner peace, calmness, sleep, dream, heal, recharge, and renew. Continue reading “Winter Solstice”

A Dream is a Letter that Mustn’t go Unread

When we are faced with a difficult decision, we are told to “sleep on it”. Dreams are a powerful tool that can speed up the process of growth and transformation, leading to future health, wellness, and success. Continue reading “A Dream is a Letter that Mustn’t go Unread”

How to Develop Intuition


 Intuition is the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.

Continue reading “How to Develop Intuition”

The Power of Hair

Hair is not just a fashion statement; it is one of the keys to the universe. After leaving the hair salon do you feel psychologically freer? Like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders, even though you just got a trim? Before you get your next haircut, just have in mind what you might be losing. Continue reading “The Power of Hair”

Samhain (Halloween)


Samhain has been celebrated for thousands of years, and it is a wonderful way to appreciate nature and everything it gives us and takes away from us. It is the celebration of the end- of all forms of life. Continue reading “Samhain (Halloween)”

70’s Inspired Fashion Line

Rome, Italy

Created by taKotryna

Tbilisi, Georgia

Created by taKotryna

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