During December 20-22 the Northern Hemisphere is the furthest away from the sun. This astronomical phenomenon marks the Winter Solstice. It is the shortest day of the year and the longest night. The Winter Solstice is the celebration of the returning of the sun – days becoming longer. During this time we thank mother earth for the deep winter and darkness. Only in the darkness do we rest, rejuvenate, find inner peace, calmness, sleep, dream, heal, recharge, and renew.

During this festive time, Pagans would gather together to sing songs, have bonfires, feast, and drink mead and ale. They would go into the forest to cut down an evergreen tree and bring it into the house to protect their home from the harsh winter. Different treats and sweets were hung on the tree for the spirits of the forest. Bells were hung around the house to signal that the forest spirits were inside the house. A 5 point star was placed on top of the tree symbolizing the 5 elements: sky, earth, air, water, and fire.

Winter Solstice Symbols

The color red symbolizes passion and prosperity; It symbolizes the blazing heart and hope in a time of darkness. Red plants such as Poinsettias and Holly show us that life can thrive in the middle of a harsh winter. As a symbol of life, the color green was spread throughout the home with branches of evergreen. The color gold symbolizes the long awaited returning of the sun. Mistletoe is a symbol of peace. Vikings would lay down their arms if they met beneath a growing mistletoe. Holly is a symbol of protection. Holly was hung around the house, worn as a charm, and drunk as holly water, to bring good luck and safety.  Burch logs were decorated and placed into the fireplace to give the sun strength to come and bring us Spring. The Burch tree is the fastest growing tree in the forest. It symbolizes fertility and creativity.

Bring the Winter Solstice into your home!

Decorate your home the old fashioned way: make decorations yourself by using everything that nature has to offer. Decorate trees outside your home with treats for animals such as berries, fruits, nuts, and grains. Decorate the inside of your home with natural decorations bringing the outside in. Deck the halls with boughs of holly, evergreen, and mistletoe. Decorate your indoor Winter Solstice Tree with edible treats such as cookies, popcorn, and dried fruits. Instead of using artificial lights, use candle light. Sing beloved holiday songs together; read poetry and stories by the crackling fireplace. Decorate a birch log and place it into the fire.

Winter Solstice Magic and Rituals:

Create a smudge stick by wrapping pieces of evergreen branches together with string and letting them dry. Then cleanse your home with it.

Before everyone sits down for dinner, place a ring, a coin, and small evergreen branch under three dinner plates to predict if the upcoming year will bring love, wealth, or health.

Shadow Reading: Light a candle at one end of the table. Have each participating person  crumble a piece of paper and place it next to the candle. What will this year have in store for you. Look at the shadow, what do you see? A boat? Travel. A crown? Fame. And so on…

Let a candle burn, tip the candle and let the hot wax drip into a bowl of water. As wax clusters form, what shape does it create? What does this year predict for you?

What do you want to let go of this year? Write it on a piece of paper and throw it into the fire. Let the fire burn away your worries, fears, and past.

I hope you have fun and have a wonderful holiday season!