Ostara is the celebration of the Spring Equinox which falls between March 19-23. As Ostara, the Pagan Goddess of Fertility, arrives she brings with her the warm breeze, sunlight, the chirping sounds of birds, and the first flower buds. Ostara’s hair is lush with leaves and flowers. As she makes her way across the land she wakes up mother earth from the cold and dark winter with her childish laughter, songs, and dancing. By her side is her faithful companion the hare. This marks the first day of spring! It is a celebration of fertility and re-birth. It is a time of perfect balance- light and dark and masculine and feminine energy. Ostara brings strength to the Sun making the days warmer and longer.

The Easter Bunny bringing Easter Eggs?
The Hare, Ostara’s sacred companion, is a major symbol for fertility due to the abundance of offspring it can have every month. As well, spring is the time of the year when chickens start laying a greater abundance of eggs. Eggs -like all seeds- hold the potential for all new life. The egg symbolizes the universe in perfect balance, and the underlying energy of growth and expansion.

This is a great time to declutter and cleans the house from negativity. It is a time to let go of what no longer serves a purpose in the house and in the mind; things and ideas that stop us from reaching our full potential: physically, emotional, psychologically, and spiritually. It is a time to blossom, be reborn, and a perfect time for new beginnings.

How to bring Ostara into your home:

Go for a nature walk, pick wild flowers and blossoming tree branches to decorate your home.

Make bird feeders and hang them around your garden or by your window.

Plant seeds and bulbs.

After Easter dinner, have everyone draw Ostara- but don’t let anyone see your drawing. Hang the drawings up and try to guess who drew which Ostara- you just might be surprised how differently everyone visualizes the same idea.

Dye your Easter eggs with union skins and flowers in natural color dyes. Afterwards pick your favorite egg and see what images appear on your egg to see what the upcoming year predicts for you.

Powers of colored Eggs:

Yellow : Happiness and Inspiration

Orange : Attraction and Good Luck

Red : Power of Resurrection, Passion and New Life

Green : Abundance and Good Health

Blue : Peace and Spirituality

Purple : Mystical and Magical Powers



I hope this will help you bring some magic into your spring celebration!