Intuition is the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.

We stretch to become flexible,  we work out to become stronger, and we enhance our intuition to become more aware of ourselves and our surroundings. Intuition gives us confidence in the choices we make in life. Here are some great ways to develop your intuition:

  1. Be present in the moment. Stop regretting the past and being fearful of the future. Instead of trying to control everything that is going on, just enjoy being here. In a moment of stillness intuition creeps up slowly and starts whispering.
  2. Always ask why. Why am I feeling this way? Why is this happening to me?
  3. Be actively looking for signs and reading into them. (numbers, patterns, animals)
  4. Meditate. Let the mind be still and focus on your breath. While the body relaxes, the mind wanders into the farthest corners of our mind. Take time to access these chambers, and read into the meanings of these thoughts.
  5. Pay attention to your dreams. Dreams help us understand our desires, fears, stress. They help us understand the past and foresee the future. When you remember a dream, no matter how bazar, write it down and analyze it. A week later you might see that it was foreshadowing the future. The day your boss was riding your ass at work, were you being chased by a giant zombie during your dream? You subconscious is responding to the events that caused you stress. Listen to your body. Maybe it is time for change in your life?
  6. Start a journal. Write down everything that you feel needs to be put down on paper: events, emotions, dreams. Have conversations on paper. Ask questions and the answers will flow out of you onto the piece of paper. They might not have significance today, but maybe tomorrow, next week, or next month that will be the key to your future success.
  7. Recall previous experiences. After a bad incidence happened, try to recall what you were feeling before it happened. Did you get a feeling of discomfort out of the blue? Did you listen to it? What was the outcome?
  8. Use your heart over your head. The mind always judges whether an action is right or wrong, whereas the heart always knows deep down what is, regardless. Our decisions do not have to make sense. Trust your heart.
  9. When you find yourself doing a mundane task, notice where your mind drifts off. What are you thinking about when you are not thinking of anything at all? What is your intuition trying to tell you.
  10. When you meet someone new, try to feel their energy. After getting to know them, were you right about them?

Our world is filled with magic, we just need the right keys to access this magic. Have fun!